The New Testament King James Drama Version 2001/2007.
- The Gospel of Matthew:
- The Gospel of Mark:
- The Gosple of Luke:
- The Gospel of John:
- The Book of Acts:
- The Book of Romans:
- The Book of 1st Corinthians:
- The Book of 2nd Corinthians:
- Galatians:
- Ephesians:
- Philipians:
- Colossians:
- 1st Thessalonians:
- 2nd Thessalonians:
- 1st Tematiyos 1st Timothy: Titos Titus:
- Filimon Philimon: Hebrew:
- Yokob James or Jacob:
- 1st Petros 1st Peter:
- 2nd Petros 2nd Peter:
- 1st MSG Yowhans 1st MSG of John:
- 2nd MSG Yowhans 2nd MSG of John:
- 3rd MSG Yowhans 3rd MSG of John:
- MSG of Judah:
- The Book of Revelation: